A BTCMVMNT x TEAM ZUBY Collaboration
The Bitcoin Movement has united with rapper & entrepreneur Zuby to create a first of its kind, limited edition merchandise collection, titled “Take the Power Back”.
Only 300 items will be available:
125 T-shirts | 125 Caps | 50 Hoodies
All 300 are connected and registered forever on the VeChainThor Blockchain via NFC chips.
Sales go live on 14th November at 17:00 EST
Based on current levels of interest it is expected to sell out quickly!
Drop us a note below to get first access.
The prominent design feature of the collection is the number 21 Million which has become a symbolic figure in the Bitcoin community. This number relates to total number of bitcoins that will ever be issued and is what makes bitcoin one of the most scarce assets known to man.
This original and bold design was created to inspire, educate and empower the masses.
“I wanted to design a collection that inspires people to take control of their money, whilst empowering and uniting them through participation in the Bitcoin network.
Bitcoin is known as the currency of the people and it puts the power back in our hands."

"We wanted our first blockchain limited edition collection to be truly representational of the philosophy of Bitcoin. Embodying the attributes of Bitcoin that have made it so successful, disruptive and attractive to those who seek truth and transparency.
Every aspect of this collaboration was carefully curated and we hope the result is a body of work that further educates people about Bitcoin and the power of blockchain technology.
We hope this collection will find its place in history as one of the early truly verifiable limited edition blockchain-based streetwear collections."
- Daryl Kelly, Founder
The Bitcoin Movement has built a bespoke app for the iOS and Android ecosystem, which will be used as a tool by our customers to verify the authenticity of the product they purchased from the BTCMVMNT X Zuby Collection.
The NFC chips in our garments are bound with unique transaction IDs that can only be retrieved by using The Bitcoin Movement app to read the data stored on the VeChainThor Blockchain.
The app will be available for download in line with the launch on 14th November 2020.